Posted August 1, 2014 by Jennifer


Committee Minutes are posted on the website as they become available and remain on the website for 3 to 4 months. 



Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting-

May 12, 2014


Present were:  Church administrator Jennifer Gahnstrom, Pastor Walter Lockhart, committee chair Lulu Phillips, and members Jan Werness and Carole Megarry


We reviewed the financial report for April 30, 2014.  It was noted that we are running a shortfall or approximately $3,000 per month, or $35,000 per year.  While it is currently feasible to cover this shortfall by accessing reserve funds, such a shortfall cannot be allowed to continue.  Either income must be increased or expenses cut.  We currently average about 78 persons in attendance on Sunday mornings, with approximately 150 persons attending at some point during the year.


Lulu will address the congregation on Sunday, May 18 on need to increase income or cut expenses.   Also on that date will be the potluck after church to discuss what to do with the parsonage.


As to the meals program, Walter noted that he has plans to move the program to self- sufficiency.  This may include partnering with UMN Wesley, Epworth church or others.  Other ways to raise funds would be to have a special offering or special meal.  The Community Meals fund will be used to track income and expenditures, including  the costs of equipment and necessary licensure.  Walter has completed the Safe Serve licensure at a cost of $175.  Other licensures may be necessary if the venue will be used for non-church functions.


As for the retainage account, we now owe approximately $6,000; however, there is water in the basement and other punch list items yet to be completed or adjusted by the builders.  Walter hopes that all matters related to the construction of the building will be resolved by September.  At that point we will need to move funds from the capital to building account in order to make the final payment.


We discussed in general, the May rummage sale.  It went very well in the new venue, (best ever receipts of some $3,600) and there is reason to believe might have been even better had it not taken place over the Mothers’ Day and fishing opener weekend.  We could use more tables and better racks for displays.  Lulu has created a list of suggestions for future rummage sale.  We set the dates of October 20-25 for the fall rummage sale, with set up days being October 20 and 21 and sale days thereafter.


Next Finance Committee meeting is set for June 11, 2014 at 3 p.m.


Minutes by Carole Megarry




Trustees Meeting Minutes

May 14, 2014


Those present:  Ed Ed Mueller, Jennifer Gahnstrom, Al Hildenbrand, Jim Stark, Harlan Seelhof


Minutes  from the last meeting were read and approved.


Ed Ed moved and Jim seconded that kitchen work and materials be taken from the "Meals" Profit and Loss "Class" as presented on a P&L printout, Jan 1 - May 14, 2014, from Jennifer.  Passed unanimously.


Ed Ed moved and Jim  seconded that the retainage to Watson Forsberg be paid out of the "Build" Profit and Loss "Class" as presented on a P&L printout, Jan 1 - May 14,2014, thus reducing the "Build Class" to $0.00, and to then close out the Build Class.  Passed unanimously.


Jennifer wants a doorbell.  Ideas were discussed.  Al moved and Ed Ed seconded purchasing a wireless bell with buttons and trying it out.


Nancy next door to the Parsonage reminded us about the dented downspout repair promised from last year's driveway incident.

Jennifer introduced the Trustees to a request for free use of Walker.  Transforming Families, , and Jennifer propose a two hour meeting once a month, second Saturdays, meetings only and no use of the kitchen, scheduling and room flexibility as driven by needs of future paying renters of Walker.  Given these constraints, the Trustees have no objections to extending free access to the Walker property.  So moved by Jim and Ed Ed seconded;  passed unanimously


Fire system monitoring and inspection one year contract was presented and read.  Agreeing to the contract and signing was moved by Al and seconded by Ed Ed.  Passed unanimously

Al and Ed Ed gave a report of the basement water problem, and inspection last Friday by

Janelle of Watson Forsberg and Mindy Micheals of Kaas Wilson of the same, after the fact.  Al has been charged by Mindy to contact her immediately upon any water being seen seeping in the basement so that she can rush over and examine it first hand.  Al asks that any report of water in the basement of Walker be forwarded and / or copied to him, immediately upon receipt by anyone so knowing.


Jennifer reported to Ed Ed that the west Fellowship double door panic bars don't latch securely to the door frame.  Ed Ed inspected and will report to Jennifer that it is a Warranty issue for the installing contractor.


The new Hatco water super heater for the kitchen dishwasher has been looked at by the manufacturer repair technician and parts ordered.  The factory technician is due to replace parts and repair the Hatco super heater so that it will perform to Health Department requirements.


Minutes of the Church Conference

May 18, 2014


This conference was called for the purpose of deciding what to do with the property at 3605 15th Avenue South.


Present were: EdEd Mueller, Julia Phillips, Janet Werness, Conrad deFiebre, Steve Sandberg, Steve Cobian, K.C. Bretzke, Dianne O’Donnell, Fred Glazer, Allen Hillenbrand, Carole Megarry, and Greg Garman.  The meeting was chaired by Pastor Walter Lockhart.


The Motion before the conference was as follows:


Authorize the board of Trustees of Walker Community UMC to sell the church parsonage located at 3605 15th Ave. So., Minneapolis, MN 55407.  The trustees will need to gain the approval of the Twin Cities District Board of Church and Location.

Authorize using the proceeds of sale to pay off the loan against the parsonage and pay for any costs incurred while holding the property for sale since the church office moved out at the end of December, 2013.

Authorize the Finance Committee to safely invest the remaining of the funds in an insured account that preserves the principal.  These funds will remain separate from church funds and no principal or interest will be spent until a church conference approves the expenditures.

It was noted that while we could probably resume a relationship with Simpson Housing Services, which historically resulted in gross rent of approximately $800 per month and net income of approximately $400 per month, we currently have no individual trustee willing and able to provide the labor, equipment and materials necessary to maintain the property, which we formerly had.  It was also noted that due to a $20,000 sewer repair in recent years, even the “net” income from the property had largely been offset by that one large expense.

Some raised the question of whether it might be feasible to rent the property out at market rate and function as a traditional for-profit landlord.  Little information was available about what that market rate rent might be, what management expenses would be involved, and what taxes might be anticipated.


A vote was taken.  Nine votes were cast in favor of the motion.  No votes were cast against it.  There were three abstentions.


It was noted that the motion does not require the immediate listing of the property.  If anyone has a plan for retaining the property, that plan must be presented to the trustees via EdEd Mueller not later than July 1, 2014.  If the trustees find that an alternative plan is viable, the issue of whether to proceed with the listing and sale or to retain the property will be resolved between trustees and Finance Committee.


Minutes prepared by Carole Megarry.


Walker Church Council

May 27, 2014


Present: Walter Lockhart, Al Hildenbrand, Jan Werness, Steve Sandberg, Greg Garman, K.C. Bretzke, Nancy Larsen.


The minutes were approved as read.


Walter stated that we are living beyond our means. After Walter gets back from sabbatical in the fall, we will need to cut our 2015 Budget. Jan recommended selling the parsonage. Walter said he could argue for or against it, either way. The fact that Wayne might not be here to act as landlord is a consideration.


The Gay Pride Parade contingent will be headed up by North Oaks this year.


While Walter is gone Greg will be handling pastoral care. Walter will be available for hospice and funerals. 


Walter noted that the Peace Post is stored in GradyLee Shapiro's garage. 


K.C. stated that the Staff Parish Relations Committee is working on revising a Safe Church Policy. They are trying to strike a balance between being a welcoming church and the safety of children and vulnerable adults. This means writing a compact with each for each offender. Steve said we need to set a date now for a presentation on this topic with relevant speakers. Allyson will contact possible speakers.


Al reported for the Trustees. Heavy rains created leaks in the new church. The thermostats are not working properly. The boiler didn't work last winter. The parsonage is ready to sell. 


The rummage sale raised $3800.


We discussed rentals of the new building. K.C. stated we need a site manager for rentals. Greg said we need Walker person here every time the kitchen is used. Walter stated that instructions for the dishwasher and the garbage disposal will be posted. Jan said we need to have a meeting about rentals. Greg added that when there is a group formed as the result of this meeting, they need to meet with Jennifer, the Trustees, and the Finance Committee. Allyson said we need to form a Marketing Committee to reach out to arts groups and the broader Powderhorn community about rentals. Walter suggested launching this committee at the July Council meeting.


Steve advocated for updating the Walker web site. Our webmaster Jim Feldman is open to suggestions. 


Greg said we should have Spanish classes at Walker.


Steve wanted facts and figures as to the pros and cons of selling the parsonage. Walter provided some figures. We discussed whether to sell the parsonage or rent it to Simpson Housing. It was moved, seconded and passed to authorize the Trustees to affirm the proposal to the Minnesota Conference to sell the parsonage if rental to Simpson Housing is not viable, to be decided by July 1.


Jera Peterson is one of the people that supervises Sunday School. His girlfriend Lisa assists him by volunteering. She needs a background check done. K.C. will email Jera about this.


The meeting was adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,


Nancy Larsen

Church Council Secretary



Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting- June 11, 2014


Present were:  Church administrator Jennifer Gahnstrom, committee chair Lulu Phillips, members Jan Werness and Carole Megarry, Al Hildenbrand (Trustees) and Steve Sandberg.  (Pastor Lockhart is on sabbatical leave.)


The minutes of the meeting of May 12 were approved.


A discussion ensued regarding the decision-making process for the potential sale of the parsonage property.  Jennifer had prepared a summary of the various expenses and income for that property from the time it ceased to be used as a “parsonage” per se through the current year.  Steve pointed out that this information had not been made available to the congregation in general either prior to or at the Church Conference held May 22, 2014.  It was noted that these figures do not include labor performed by Wayne Bailey or services he paid for without reimbursement.  No one was able to say the number of hours he contributed or the cost of services he paid. 


While at least one member of the community has experience owning and managing rental property, it was noted there had been no offer by him or anyone to contribute such services.  Walter and other members of the trustees apparently had some discussion as to what a for-profit operation of the building might generate as to income and expenses, including management fees, real property tax and income tax.


Steve raised the issue of what marketing efforts will be needed to grow the community which reasonably could yield increased income.  He noted that the website is outdated and needs improvement.  Discussion followed as to what is currently updated on the website and what needs work.  The website is currently without a coordinator.  Steve is acquainted with a woman who has experience managing websites and he agreed to contact her to see if she might be available for advice or services.


It was suggested that we explore forming a marketing committee, and that JG put into this into the weekly announcements and request that anyone interested should contact her.

Steve noted our new facility should be useful in fundraising through hosting dances and benefits.  JG noted that we need more site managers if we are going to have more activities in the building.  JG will ask for volunteer site managers.  A training session should be held so the new managers know what is expected of them and parties renting the premises.


The Finance Report of May 31, 2014, and the current Operating Fund Financial Report were reviewed and approved.


An Art Fair is on the calendar for November 22 and 23, 2014.  We will need a coordinator.


Next Finance Committee meeting is set for ______________at 3 p.m.


Minutes by Carole Megarry


Trustees Meeting Minutes

June 12, 2014


Those present:  Ed Ed Mueller, Jennifer Gahnstrom, Al Hildenbrand, Wayne Bailey, Harlan Seelhof, Lu Lu Phillips

Minutes  from the last meeting were read and approved.

Jennifer updated the Walker Funds Report as of May 31, 2014

Jennifer reported on rentals and the most recent by "Anna" leaving behind beer cans (found by Ignasio).  Jennifer will not rent to her again.

Jennifer reported that a discussion is taking place about the position of and storage of the chairs.  Steve Sandberg is to have a meeting following Celebration.

Al reported on the doorbell, dishwasher, disposal, superheater, HVAC problems and internet connection, Water in the basement W-F & Kaas Wilson witnessed, file compilation, W-F training videos  being corrupt.

Parsonage possible sale was discussed.  Dianne O'Donnel is having conflicting prices for the property coming from software that shouldn't do it.

Wireless FA monitor equipment bid from Gilbert is still needed.

Wayne reports that if the parsonage is sold he won't stay in town.  (ha)

Ed Ed expressed concern for Operation and Maintenance list of tasks be generated.


Walker Church Finance Committee

July 10,2014


Present: Lulu Philips, Jan Werness, Jennifer Gahnstrom


Financial Reports - We reviewed the financial reports and noted how income continues to lag far behind expenses.


Rentals - We reviewed the rentals and the income they have generated.  Jennifer brought the rental policy which we went over.  The price guidelines appear appropriate.  The policy and prices will be reviewed periodically and adjusted as needed once we have more experience renting.


A question was raised about renting to a non-profit business.  Jan will check out what, if any, tax implications this will have for Walker.


Parsonage – No one has brought forward to the Finance Committee a proposal to keep the parsonage.  The deadline for proposals to go to Ed Ed was July 1st.


Fiscal Agent for Empty Bowls - Jennifer listed the tasks she will need to do for this.  The majority of the financial work will be dealing with checks for individual donations and sending receipts as required by IRS.


The fiscal agent contract we used in the past burned up.  It had not been updated for a long time. Jan will start a draft for a new contract and distribute it to other committee members.


Fundraisers - Rummage sale will be third full week of October; set-up begins on October 20th. A silent auction will be held on December 13th.


Vacation - Lulu will be gone from 8/20/14 to 9/13/14 and from 9/25/14 to 10/10/14.  She will miss 2 trustees meetings.  Other finance committee members can attend if they want, but Lulu didn’t feel it was necessary for another member to attend.


Future meetings - All meetings will begin at 3:00 pm.

August 13th, September 17th. October 15th, November 12th, December 10th


Minutes by Jan Werness


Events Task Force Minutes

(Task Force of the Trustees)

July 22, 2014

Present: Steve Sandberg, Jennifer Gahnstrom, Anne Tiller, Greg Garman, Mary Parker


These questions were raised and sometimes answered:

            How to find out what’s going on every day at Walker: Walker Church Calendar can be found on our website and is kept up to date by Jennifer. Jennifer will post events on Facebook if you send them to her.


            What’s happening with a sound system for sanctuary? How much would that cost? We need a good one if we have musical groups coming in.


            How is the completion of the kitchen coming along?


            We need a Wedding Coordinator so we can rent to more weddings.

Any suggestions, discussion?


            Anne Tiller: Can I have regular showings of Bioneers DVDs in the sanctuary, with a potluck after? Answer: Yes!


            Kristine Smith: (via Steve S.) Suggests having a monthly music concert in the sanctuary using a known musical group as a draw.


Then we got into a lengthy discussion of Communications (i.e. website, Facebook and all forms of marketing).


A Communications Task Force was suggested and the following people were suggested as members: Jennifer, Steve S., Deb Ramage, Jim Feldman (current webmaster) and Al Hildenbrand.


This task force would do the following:

            Decide policy about what’s public and what’s not on website and Facebook

            Discuss and oversee creation of an updated webpage

            Educate the congregation in use of Facebook as a way to promote dissemination of information about events at Walker.


Also discussed at this meeting:


            We are looking for “follow through” on the many many ideas we come up with as a community in our “visioning” sessions!

            We are in large part an aging congregation. We seem tired. Who wants to take initiative anymore?

            Walker member attendance is low at activist events held at Walker.

            Jennifer Gahnstrom is mainly responsible for the continued recognition of Walker Church as an activist organization because she actively works to rent to activist groups and she oversees their use of the building. She has been a constant in this regard for many years and her good reputation is known in the activist communities.


            Mary gave a list of “coming attractions” at Walker. And she gave a little  pep talk about keeping our eye on the “prize”, which is the increased good health and joy of our community. We can’t let ourselves be pressed down by the concrete slab of history. If we turn our attention to what’s best for our community and not for individuals, we can bust through any blockages!


Minutes by Mary Parker


Updated list of two new Task Forces, one new Team

& an update of members of the Kitchen Cabinet

July 23, 2014


Events Task Force:  Coordinating having more Walker Events and working with the Trustees on rental policies.

Mary Parker

Steve Sandberg

Mary Laurel True

Anne Tiller

Jennifer Gahnstrom


Communications Task Force:  Coordinating future plans for the communication system (Website, Facebook, etc.) to both get out the message on Walker events and to market Walker rental space.

Jim Feldman (webmaster)

Steve Sandberg

Deb Ramage

Al Hildenbrand

Jennifer Gahnstrom


Kitchen Cabinet:  Coordinating community meals & the kitchen set-up.

Sarah Elizabeth, chair

Lou Tofte

Tom Judge

Barbara Hager

Greg Garman

Deb Ramage

Nancy Larsen


Arts & Furnishing Team:  Coordinating what art & furnishings are used in the building where & when.

Mary Buckley

Adel Gardner

Anne Tiller


Celebration Committee:  Coordinating the Sunday Celebrations & other events.

Mary Parker, chair

Bonita Blumenauer

Tony Wentersdorf

Emily Peabody

Dianne O’Donnell

Howard Kranz

Sally Kuehn

Marg Rozycki



Walker Church Council

                                                                        July 29, 2014


Present: Lulu Philips, Mary Laurel True, Mary Parker, Allyson Hayward, Al Hildenbrand, K.C. Bretzke, Greg Garman, Willow Cordes-Eklund, Steve Sandberg, Jan Werness, Nancy Larsen.


The minutes were approved as read.


Lulu gave the financial report. We continue to spend more than we take in. With this in mind we are planning fundraisers for the fall. The fall Art Fair will be Saturday November 22 and Sunday November 23. The Rummage Sale will be October 23 - 26. The Silent Auction Dinner and Dance will be Saturday December 13.


Al reported that the parsonage is ready to sell. The proposal to sell is being considered by the Board of Church Location and Building. They have not made a decision.


K.C. reported that the Staff Parish Relations Committee has not met. She requested more timely church council minutes a reminder.


Al reported for the Trustees that there are aspects of the new building that are not functional and are under warranty. This has reported to the proper person, who is stonewalling.


Greg reported for the Kitchen Cabinet that there will be a Community Meal Tuesday, August 19. Walter will stage a necessary inspection of the kitchen when he gets back. 


Steve Sandberg gave a glowing report of the activities of the Sunday School. He is still looking into coordinating with another church on a teen service project. There should a Sunday School presence on the Walker Church web site to reflect what is going on. 


Mary Parker said that there will a preview of coming attractions for upcoming Celebrations on Sunday August 24. There will be a guest speaker once s month. There is a calendar of the church year posted in the sanctuary.


Mary Laurel True introduced herself as a Powderhorn community member who would like to help us market the church space for increased income and greater community involvement. Greg stated that there is a tension between marketing and living our mission. Jennifer feels the burden of making policy decisions because no one has coordinated this. We need to make policy so Jennifer can mange the rentals on a day to day basis. Al stated that the Trustees need Mary Laurel True's expertise in pricing. We need a fee schedule for Jennifer that is specific. 


Allyson asked how do we get the word out about Walker? We need to redesign the web site so Jim Feldman can execute the changes. We need to pay attention to local print media like Southside Pride. We should ask people who rent the space for feedback and ask them to spread the word. Steve said maybe we could reach out to the Somali community through Mary Laurel True's connections at Augsburg College, where she works in community outreach. We should form partnerships with groups in the community. We also need to reach out to young people. We discussed year long themes - " Come back to Walker!" "Walker is back!"


The meeting was adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Larsen

Church Council Secretary